Fish Tanks

You know that feeling when you go back to a place you spent a lot of time as a kid? Like your elementary school or a playground or a childhood home, and when you walk in you immediately think “wow, I remember it being a lot bigger”? I had that feeling recently. I used to … Continue reading Fish Tanks

Back in the Gym

The other day Gannon and I had a day off so we went to play basketball together at the Colvin. Usually, when we play basketball I'm basically like a miniature female Lebron James. But this day was definitely not one of my better days. I kept missing and missing and missing. Gannon made a joke … Continue reading Back in the Gym

The Six Things I’ve Learned in Six Months of Marriage

You know when you first get married and you literally can't walk more than four steps without someone stopping you and asking "How's married life?!". I always thought that question was funny because they know you're going to say you love it. Imagine how awkward it would be if you didn't. Like, even if we … Continue reading The Six Things I’ve Learned in Six Months of Marriage

Simplifying Christmas (by Jalene Depperschmidt)

I love Christmas, I really do, but I've been on a journey the past few years that I would call "simplifying Christmas." I started asking myself " If Christmas is about celebrating Christ's birth what traditions and activities support that celebration and what needs to go? It's been liberating really to reconsider what was a … Continue reading Simplifying Christmas (by Jalene Depperschmidt)


Yesterday Gannon Reese, the man of my dreams, proposed to me. And I know a lot of you are probably wondering why an eighteen year old girl would think it was a good idea to settle down and get married before the ink could even dry on her high school diploma, right? Yet, as life … Continue reading 7-26-2017